Soul Essence Akashic Reading & Clearing
Akashic Records reading and clearing.
Service Description
The Akashic Records hold information about the Soul from the moment it first originated at Divine Source. An Akashic Reading is used to see who you are at Soul Level and then discover what energy is holding you back or what is blocking you in areas of your life. An Akashic Reading discovers your Soul gifts, traits, specialties, and Soul vibration. Negative Agreements in the Akashic Records are not Divine and can keep us from living our life purpose. This Akashic Reading helps to find and remove agreements from past and present lifetimes, as well as agreements to take on negative karma from our genetic family of origin, and or from other Souls. We make all kinds of agreements in our past and in our in-between lifetimes. These can be to marry a certain person, agreements of poverty, or suffering, and or agreements of disempowerment or to suffer abuse from another. The list of agreements is many and don't serve our highest life purpose. If life always seems like it is uphill, then an Akashic records reading is for you. This reading is used to tell you what agreements are in your Akashic Records that maybe causing events to occur and then we can clear these agreements. This session is used to clear the vows and contacts that most people have in their Akashic Record such as Vows of Poverty, Suffering, Silence, Sacrifice and Martyrdom. The second part of the reading is clearing the bloodline of genetic karma and ancestral vows. After four months have passed, more blocks can be found such as personal imprints, karmic imprints, and ancestral imprints as well as viral entities and hungry ghosts. Code Corruptions at Multidimensional levels can also be found at this point as well as many other blocks A more advanced reading can find the Archetypal templates you have chosen for your Soul's incarnation and if these Archetypes are blocked to the flow of the energy they were intended for, or if an Archetype is needing to be repatterned.
Cancellation Policy
The week of your session I go into your Akashic Records to begin the clearing process. Therefore you cannot cancel for a refund once I have done the Akashic Records Reading Work . If you need to reschedule please reschedule within a 30 day time period. After 3 months or 90 days, you cannot reschedule.
Contact Details
office 1400 Barbara Loop Southeast, Rio Rancho, NM, USA