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Soul Specializations  
Information from the Soul Profile  

Soul specializations are specific skills that souls develop as they transition in and out of the human experience. These traits are learned and cultivated over time. Ultimately, our soul specializations deepen our connection to our higher self and other upper-dimensional aspects. 


Our Soul Specializations show how our soul interacts with its multi-dimensional nature and moves between different dimensional states. These traits are a fundamental part of our soul's nature and how it chooses to express itself while incarnated in a body. A Soul specialization is how the Soul focuses on the areas that exist between different dimensional states, and where they intersect with the physical body.  This is how energy work can impact the physical body. Understanding our soul specializations can make us more aware of our multidimensional nature and spiritual essence, even during our time in human form. This information can also be used in how we make a living and make our money, manifest our intentions, etc. 


Most souls have one to three Soul Specializations that are natural to their divine nature. The number of Soul Specializations doesn't show how many times a soul has reincarnated, or its spiritual "level" of development. Some souls relate to multi-dimensionality in a specific way, while others have a broader approach.

We don’t need to consciously choose to align with our Soul Specializations since they are an inherent aspect of how the Soul experiences multi-dimensionality.


Soul Specializations are as follows:




These beautiful souls harness the power of intention and prayer to connect with multiple dimensions, seamlessly channeling energy through their focused intentions. Their unwavering commitment to shaping their reality through intentional energy work serves as a powerful reminder of the profound impact of focused attention. However, they need to remain mindful of the importance of taking aligned physical action to truly manifest their desires.  Otherwise they will  not manifest anything at all.




This specialization is all about how the Soul transitions in and out of the body at birth and death.  These Souls have a special relationship and perhaps a fascination with birth, death, and life transitions. This can include a particular relationship with major life and spiritual transitions in which there is a distinct sense of “ego-death” and rebirth. These Souls may be drawn to modalities such as mediumship. They may also be sought out by Earthbound Spirits for assistance in moving onward, since they did not appropriately transition. If you have this specialization, you will frequently encounter Earthbound Spirits. You will want to use a clearing request that allows that these Souls be moved on.




Individuals specializing in this area are tuned in to understanding multiple dimensions through recognizing karmic patterns and how they play out in our human experiences. They are always seeking and discovering themes, connections, and patterns within their own lives and in the lives of others. They possess an inherent understanding of life patterns and can naturally help us recognize our own choices and their consequences. Individuals with this specialization often attract many people who want to engage with them in conversations, whether it be waiting in line at a restaurant, at the grocery store, or at the bank.  


It's important to recognize that you can simply listen and perhaps ask a few questions if you wish. People are working through their own patterns in your energetic space. There may be an inclination to offer guidance or to feel responsible for those who share their experiences with you, but it's unnecessary as they are working through their own patterns in your energy field.  


Allowing others to share their experiences and holding space for them in your energetic space can be a powerful way to recognize your own journey. Remember, you're not obligated to constantly engage with strangers, and it's important not to take things personally when others project their discomfort onto you.

At times, people may become upset with you for no apparent reason. This might be because they're recognizing a pattern they don't like about themselves and projecting their discomfort onto you. It's important not to take this personally.




This specialization is uncommon. People with this specialization have a very neutral stance towards the ego, and all the inherent survival instincts and conditioning that are part of our physical nature, but not necessarily part of our divine nature. They naturally understand the difference between the two. Neutrality understands that we are not our ego. They don’t judge when it comes to the messiness of the ego! The human race is still working on developing the consciousness to overcome our survival instincts and our tribal nature. Neutrality helps us examine this aspect of our own human nature, without judgment. They are often natural peacekeepers, because they don't get upset and don't take anything personally. They can be good mediators. This can be very helpful but can also become tiring if they always find themselves in the middle of interpersonal drama. People tend to tell them EVERYTHING, because of their non-reactive nature. They are the people we “confess” to easily because we will not be met with judgment. Sometimes, however, even specialists in neutrality are uncomfortable with the level of over-sharing they occasionally experience. If you have this specialization, it’s okay to set boundaries with others about what constitutes over-sharing!




Specialists in Restoration have an inherent understanding of the "original" Divine Soul Blueprint and aim to restore it to its original state. When these souls transition in and out of the human experience, they compare their current state of the Divine Soul Blueprint to its origin as their reference point. Consequently, they often feel a sense of longing to "get back" to something. We are all working on realigning with our original Divine nature. However, these souls' desire to "get back" or restore something that is lost is often misunderstood as an attempt to return to traditions, old-fashioned values, or outdated social standards.


They may feel that something is not quite right, and some aspects of our society may seem fundamentally flawed to them. However, they might misinterpret this feeling and believe that reverting to an "old" way of doing things would be beneficial. They may resist adopting new technologies because they believe that something needs to be restored. They are often motivated to address social injustices and are deeply committed to helping people and humanity as a whole. If you identify with this description, it's important to be aware of what we are truly trying to restore as spiritual beings. You can serve people simply by realigning with your divine self-expression. Trying to "fix" society by insisting on outdated ways of being will only lead to a lot of frustration.




These souls understand their multi-dimensionality based on what resonates with their vibrational state and what does not when they enter this experience. It's all about what aligns or is congruent, and what is incongruent. This results in a strong sense of "right" and "wrong."  Unfortunately, they may end up connecting their natural sense of "right" and "wrong" to societal rather than soul-level morality. When too involved in social values, they can become self-righteous and judgmental. On the other hand, they can also guide us in making choices that are right for us at the present moment. They are also skilled at detecting lies, helping them identify where and how we are deceiving ourselves.  They are usually unable to lie or take shortcuts. If there's a "right" way to do things, they will feel compelled to do them the "right" way. If you have this specialization, it can be problematic if your perspective is based on societal morality, as it will lead to frustration.




These souls are connected to the in-between states that we experience as multi-dimensional beings. They are very active on the astral planes. When we sleep, we all visit the astral plane to process our daily experiences and to rest. However, these souls may have particularly vivid dreams which they enjoy. They might also have an interest in topics such as astral projection and lucid dreaming. Sometimes, they may go to great lengths trying to interpret their dreams even if they aren't necessarily meaningful. These souls simply connect with their spiritual selves through their experiences in the in-between astral states. They may also have a vivid imagination and are essentially the dreamers and visionaries among us, capable of great innovation if they learn to ground their dreams and visions.


Design: Biology


Some people naturally understand how our physical and non-physical aspects work together. They might work as healers, counselors, yoga teachers, or herbalism students, focusing on balancing the body and mind. They may also have a special interest in the endocrine system, the fight-flight-freeze response, or the emotional body, which is where our physical and non-physical aspects meet.


Design: Systems


These Souls relate to their multi-dimensionality as an entire “system” of Being.  We are, after all, whole Beings that combine multiple energy systems (i.e. our chakra system, endocrine system, Golden Web, Akashic Record) at various aspects of our Being. They have an inherent understanding of systems, and how imbalance and change will impact the whole.  As such, they are excellent diagnosticians, whether that’s in business, as medical professionals, or spiritual counselors.  They help us understand what’s actually wrong at root cause, so we can bring our entire “system” back into balance.




These souls see their physical life as an opportunity to explore their multidimensional nature.  These extraordinary souls perceive their embodiment as a chance to delve into their multifaceted nature and the blueprint of their divine soul. They are described as adventurous and daring, always seeking new experiences. They are likened to the fearless explorers and adventurers of the soul realm—constantly seeking out new experiences and pushing the boundaries of what is considered harmonious and in in alignment to their Soul Blueprint. However, those specializing in exploration are cautioned to be aware of the potential for veering off their intended path and giving rise to adverse outcomes. It is crucial for these intrepid souls to frequently steer themselves back toward their true purpose. 




These souls have chosen specific purposes for their lives. Sometimes these purposes continue through multiple lives. Their purposes are chosen by themselves. They feel most connected to their physical lives when they have specific things to do or be. They are usually focused on achieving goals. If you have a specialization, you may feel that you have a specific mission to complete. This may sometimes make you feel overly important in a spiritual way. It's important to understand that you are not on a spiritual job given by God. You have the free will to create your own experiences.  What the assignment needs to be channeled.  If you cannot channel, this is something Angela can do for you.

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